Sunday, March 11, 2007

Stacy & her Girls

What a great day!! Woohoo! It was just beautiful. I'll be so bummed if we get any cold weather again - I mean snowy cold. It was perfect for a Bridal Portrait and Stacy and I headed out to enjoy the sun. Of course, I can't show much of her session because her fiance, Jason might decide to peruse through my blog and see her DRESS! She's getting married in two weeks and after that it will be a Stacy-photo-fest! It was so cute to see these little kids get SO excited to see her! And she is just a genuinely caring and kind person. One little girl thought she was Cinderella and didn't want to leave..I mean really, she didn't take her eyes off Stacy. Stacy talked to all of them and all the people that stopped to talk and watch. Stacy also brought her entourage of girlfriends. I'm not kidding, 4 of them showed up at different times and with two dogs! It was a party and it was FUN! Stacy was all dressed up but she was still Stacy. She even snorted once. I do have one picture of Stacy I can show. I used her as a 'product' model after our session was done. I have some violins, mandolins and guitars I'm currently shooting some catalog photography in the studio. But I couldn't stand to miss the photo-op with Stacy and a really nice violin! I totally made up the company name but I thought this picture would be super-cool on the cover of some catalog. I can't wait to show the guys at the music company some of Stacy's images!

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