Saturday, April 19, 2008


We get to go to Cagles Dairy Farm for a field trip. Blake and I are lucky enough to tag along to take some shots for Bea's wonderful teacher, Mrs. Nellis. My favorite part is the 'Run with the Bulls' segment. Let me explain..we are sitting (with no where to go) on the hayride/tractor mobile thing. The dog starts to 'herd' these BIG dairy cows toward the tractor. They come RUNNING (the dust is flying) down the hill toward us - exciting..yet frightening. They come right up to the tractor but you can't feed them or pet them yet they are inches from you...tell a six-year-old who is sitting in hay they can't feed the cows. Anyway - it was a good time and here is a little show for...ya'll... - yes, I said ya' here.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stranger Photos...

This was too cool. This guy from The Plug tied a disposable camera to the chair and came back later in the day to pick it up...He got some fun images to can check it out here.

Monday, April 07, 2008

my easter pics...

Minus the Bunny...

It's been crazy...

I haven't had much time to post any new pics..I went through some tonight (late)...I forgot all about this one and I just love it! Pictures with the Easter Bunny are like school pictures: They're just awful..but you HAVE to have them. There's no way around it - it's a classic! So every year - I get the kids with the Bunny. I don't dress them up...their usually in their sweats - sometimes..even lunch remnants on their shirts if I bother to take off their coats. I stand in line with the frilly dresses, the Easter hats, the fancy, plastic shoes that everyone buys. And their kids look good -don't get me wrong...the point is...I'm standing in line for the Bunny. I'm usually yelling at someone to stop hitting someone else. To stop running, to stop bumping the person in front of us...but like I HAS to be done. This year was the best so far! The guy in the bunny costume gets hot...I would too. So they have a fan that sits by his feet to cool his 'fur' off. Blake got the bunny-knee by the was FABULOUS! His hair blew right up!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


This is probably my favorite moving picture. We had nothing left in our house but kitchen table, no chairs. But Blake made himself a little resting spot and stopped for a Go-Gurt.

Last Day...

Bea's last day at St. Pius was bittersweet. Her teacher was fantastic. Pushed the kids just enough to challenge them. Taught them about caring for each other and having fun while learning. I read somewhere...'have faith in your child's education.' I like that phrase - it says it all. The class had a going-away party for her and everyone brought in a little gift - crayons, markers, scissors - it was sweet. They gave her hugs at the very end and even Stephen, who's a pretty quiet guy, gave Bea a BIG bear-hug. CLICK HERE to view her Last Day show...