Sunday, December 14, 2008

Beth & Aren...

So I have a soft spot in my heart for teachers. My mom just retired from teaching. She would always help with the Giving Tree at Christmas and she would make Easter Baskets for the kids who didn't have much and she would deliver them to their homes. She has such a good heart and I could go on and on about my mom...BUT, this little story is about another teacher. My daughters' 1st grade teacher. She absolutely loves the kids and she is magical. Really. I have so much respect for what she does - what all teachers do. Beth & her husband, Aren, stopped by for their Christmas pictures. I don't know about you but my 1st grade teacher didn't look like her. I guess being so little, I remember the Nuns...and they were NOT warm and fuzzy and sweet and gave you lots of hugs and icepacks and bandaids and hand sanitizer. CLICK HERE for a sneak peek at a few of Beth & Aren's pictures:


MelissaF said...

What great pictures! They're going to have a hard time picking "the best" because they all are super!

Anonymous said...

Wow Nicole! These look like they should be in a catalog! I LOVE them!! :o)