Sunday, February 25, 2007

Reggie and his buddy.

I consider myself a pretty animal friendly person. I love to feed the wildlife in my backyard. We think it's cool when we throw out some bread and we get a cute little opposum, the occasional raccoon. But tonight...I caught Reggie (the raccoon - we named him - he likes his new name) and his buddy - eating the birdseed from our birdfeeder. That was fine too until Reggie started to CLIMB up the birdfeeder. Now, mind you, this feeder is one of those flimsy-pole-like feeders that is VERY top heavy when seed is in it. Reggie made his way up the skinny little pole and took a swing from the feeder - grabbing on with all fours - hanging there! His buddy must be familar with Reggie's antics because he acted like it was nothing. His buddy continued to eat the seed from the ground. He did get scared once and climbed up a tree. I guess Reggie wasn't scared because he was busy. I took a picture of Reggie and his buddy before they took off. I scared them a bit with my camera. Not 20 minutes later Reggie was back and up the birdfeeder. His buddy didn't come back this time. Hopefully he found a new, smarter friend to tag along with.

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