Sunday, November 02, 2008

Carter, Cate and Cooper..

Carter, Cate and Cooper stopped by today to 'break-in' the studio! It's not quite finished yet but it's workable and I've really missed using it! We started inside and then headed out for a few parting shots. I had to bribe Cate with a Swizzle Stick (rock candy) so she would wear my tu-tu (because I'm addicted to tulle or anything that resembles tulle) and we headed to the stone wall. While we were there Cooper fell asleep in his mommy's arms so we got some sweet sleepy shots. He's 3.5 months old and usually sleepy shots are hard to get but he had a rough night last night so he was out! Click HERE to see a sneak peek of our session together.

1 comment:

MelissaF said...

Wow! These are gorgeous!! What a beautiful family.