Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Amazing, Annoying Race...

So in the middle of me taking Mindi's formal pictures at Drees Pavilion about five yahoo's coming running up and want to know if she is a REAL bride????? And they asked her if she 'had a clue for them.' It was kind of crazy but I think we were told they were from the Amazing Race and they were looking for a clue..which came by way of helicopter a few minutes later. I don't get to watch much TV so I really had no idea what they were talking about...but they did pose for a picture.


Anonymous said...

This is something Mindi will remember and laugh about always. Was she a "real bride"? Were they kidding? On one of the hottest days of the year, did they really think she'd be in a wedding gown if she wasn't? Too funny. Those crazy Amazing Race folks!!!

Mindi said...

Can I buy a clue? Do you have a clue?
Wow! These guys were determined.