Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Spring!

I did a Spring shoot with the girls. We had a guest appearance by Ansley. That put the group to four that day. Ainsley, Ansley, Bea & Mia.

I know Shakespeare is so overdone but I really like this quote: "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ~William Shakespeare

Ahhhh, to be young and silly! I'm so glad I have the girls to shoot whenever I'm inspired. Thanks to all the Mom's who never say 'no'! Love ya, mean it.

April is a good month. We have a little birds nest on our porch. Four times I pulled that thing down with a rake and she kept coming back to the same spot to build it back. I thought I won until I checked by the front door a few days later and there it was - filled with eggs. Well, I couldn't take it down now! So now we have chirping baby birds by our front door.

So here's to Spring, warm weather and baby birds!

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