Friday, January 22, 2010


Yes, it was after midnight and I was standing in my front yard in my PJ's, with my stylish snowboots and my favorite green puffy coat. And yes, I was shooting over to my neighbors house. And of course, the kid across the street got dropped off (it is Friday night you know) and his buddies had to wonder...but the fog and the shadows from the trees from my neighbors porch light was something I just couldn't pass up! I would have ventured further down for some close-ups of the trees but then I would have had to explain myself to the Gwinnett PD...:) Lucky for me..all my neighbors know I'm a few french fries short of a Happy Meal.


Jeff Schaefer said...

The aliens have landed.

nc said...

I was kind of hoping that Edward Cullen would swagger out of the darkness on over to my side of the woods. :)