Monday, April 07, 2008

It's been crazy...

I haven't had much time to post any new pics..I went through some tonight (late)...I forgot all about this one and I just love it! Pictures with the Easter Bunny are like school pictures: They're just awful..but you HAVE to have them. There's no way around it - it's a classic! So every year - I get the kids with the Bunny. I don't dress them up...their usually in their sweats - sometimes..even lunch remnants on their shirts if I bother to take off their coats. I stand in line with the frilly dresses, the Easter hats, the fancy, plastic shoes that everyone buys. And their kids look good -don't get me wrong...the point is...I'm standing in line for the Bunny. I'm usually yelling at someone to stop hitting someone else. To stop running, to stop bumping the person in front of us...but like I HAS to be done. This year was the best so far! The guy in the bunny costume gets hot...I would too. So they have a fan that sits by his feet to cool his 'fur' off. Blake got the bunny-knee by the was FABULOUS! His hair blew right up!

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