Saturday, January 06, 2007


Allright then! The holiday photo rush is over. Now, I'm celebrating my first niece and I'm officially an Aunt. Alanna (pronounced Alaina) was born on January 1st! And even better...I'm the ONLY Aunt. So that makes me an extra special Aunt. Yep! And she is just gorgeous. I'll post some pics of her when I get a chance. Right now, I'm getting down and dirty and giving the old website a fresh look. Yack! I just get sick of it and every six months or gets a little lipo and a boob job. And speaking of plastic surgery..I've officially decided I'm quitting photography and going to medical school so I can meet McDreamy and McSteamy. But my neighbor ruined that dream and said medical school is NOT as glamourous as Grey's Anatomy so I guess that means I'll stick with photography. Maybe McDreamy and McSteamy will come to my studio so I can take their pictures..naked. Allright, back to reality...pretty soon cute baby pics of Alanna!

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